What is Self Talk?

What is “Self-Talk”? Does anyone remember being told, ‘talking to yourself is the first sign of madness’? Well, if it is, we are all a little bit mad. But this is not the point. Talking to yourself is one of the ways we relate to our inner world and make sense of our experience. And…

“I am free to go. Yet I remain” ~ Henri, Le Chat Noir

So it is Winter. Time of deep reflection, ready-ing ourselves for what lies ahead. And friends, yes – I have descended to the UnderWorld on YouTube to seek solace from the torment of inherent meaningless-ness in life (and Winter) while we wait, pregnant (Pas Moi! Idiots!) with possibilities. I am in love! Ah yes, I…

Self Heal ~ is everywhere in the Hills!

Self Health or Prunella Vulgaris ~ what a Super Hero! And I used it as a tea, this year, to take the sting out of sunburn. It worked! Yippee. Sunburn is the worst for fair skin. Makes enjoying Summer rougher and tougher than it should be. Here’s a little more Science and Tradition to feather…

Where do you go to my lovely …?

I have just got back from a fun week away learning all about ‘plant spirit healing’. WTF? I hear you scoff and quip and question, “Imogen … what is ‘plant spirit healing’?” Funny you should ask, because I am dying to point you in the direction of ‘plant spirits’. And yes – prepare yourself, it…

A little anxiety is a good thing …

… a lot is a problem Anxiety is all about perceived danger, not actual danger. Hard to distinguish based on feelings alone. Some of us suffer anxiety and it can be debilitating. It can stop us take necessary risks in every day life. It can interfere with our futures, our relationships, our work and block…

Spring is here … Finally!

I know I was moaning a lot last post, and I am working on a sterling and startling piece of insight with a fool proof knocking-socks-off factor but until then … I have some clips from “The Prince and the Showgirl”, for no other reason – than Marilyn’s little dance makes me think of Spring.